Audrey was awarded a GREAT award from the Department of Quantitative Life Sciences
November 7, 2023 -
Audrey was selected to receive a Graduate Research Enhancement and Travel (GREAT) award from the department of Quantitative Lifes Sciences (QLS) at McGill University. Congratulations Audrey!
Alva will present her work at the Epigenomics of Common Diseases conference
October 11, 2023 -
Alva was selected to present her work at the upcoming Epigenomics of Common Diseases conference hosted by Wellcome Connecting Science. The conference will be held from November 15th to 17th at the Wellcome Genome Campus, in the UK.
Audrey was awarded a travel award from the Canadian Epigenetics, Environment and Health Research Consortium
October 9, 2023 -
Audrey was awarded a travel award from the CEEHRC to attend and present her work at the 9th Annual Canadian Conference on Epigenetics . The conference will be held from November 13th to 16th in Banff, Alberta. Congratulations Audrey!
Bhavyaa was awarded a studentship from the McGill University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
August 16, 2023 -
For a second time, Bhavyaa was awarded a studentship from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at McGill University. This year, Bhavyaa was awarded the James O. and Maria Meadows award, a scholarship for outstanding graduate students with a focus on cancer research. Congratulations Bhavyaa!
Rodrigo was awarded a studentship from the McGill University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
August 16, 2023 -
The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at McGill University awards studentships to exceptional graduate students each year. Rodrigo was awarded the James O. and Maria Meadows award, a scholarship for graduate students with a focus on cancer research. Congratulations Rodrigo!
Bhavyaa was awarded a Lady Davis Institute Scholarship
May 23, 2023. -
The Lady Davis Institute scholarships are awarded annually to highly qualified graduate students at the LDI. This scholarship was made possible thanks to the generosity of the Lady Davis Institute/Dr. Arthur Rosenberg Memorial Fellowship Graduate Scholarship Fund. Congratulations Bhavyaa!
Selin Jessa was awarded the Governor General's Gold Medal and the Gordon A. Maclachlan Prize
May 11, 2023. -
These awards are presented at convocation to the most outstanding graduate students of the academic year. The Governor General's Gold Medal is often considered to be the most prestigious award for students in Canada. At McGill University, two medals are presented each year on behalf of the Governor General of Canada. McGill University awards the Gordon A. Maclachlan prize to the most outstanding graduate receiving a Ph.D. in any discipline of the Biological Sciences or Health Sciences. Congratulations Selin!
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Alva Annett was awarded the Fonds de Recherche de Quebec - Sante (FRQS) doctoral training award
April 27, 2023. -
This training award, sponsored by the FRQS, is awarded to highly qualified doctoral students acrosss Quebec. Alva ranked first out of twelve candidates in her category. Congratulations Alva!
16 new models for pediatric HGG - our Cancer Discovery paper is out
April 3, 2023 -
Our joint study with the Pathania lab and Jabado lab is available in the journal of Cancer Discovery . This study describes 16 new models that recapitulate pHGG subtypes and can be used to study histone partner alterations involved in brain tumorigenesis.
Too much synaptic pruning: H3.3G34 germline mutations and neurodevelopmental
March 16, 2023 -
Our joint study investigating the differential impact of H3.3G34 single amino acid substitutions on neurodevelopment was published in Cell. Check out the coverage from the McGill Newsroom, Mirage News and Technology Networks.
Lineage of origin uncovered: publication of our study of H3K27M gliomas
December 5, 2022 -
Our article on the origins of canonical and non-canonical Histone 3 K27M-mutant brain tumours was published in Nature Genetics. Our study was highlighted in Nature Gentics News & Views. Read more about the impact of our study from the newsrooms of McGill , the MUHC, and the Jewish General Hospital.
Bhavyaa Chandarana was awarded the J.P. Collip Fellowship
October 31, 2022 -
The J.P. Collip fellowship is awarded each year by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at McGill University to outstanding graduate students. Congratulations Bhavyaa!
Danai Topouza was awarded a Lady Davis Institute Scholarship
June 16, 2022 -
The Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research scholarships are awarded annually to highly qualified graduate students at the LDI. This year's award was funded by the LDI/Inaugural Dr. Mark Wainberg Memorial Graduate Fellowship Fund. Congratulations Danai!
Audrey Baguette was awarded the Fonds de Recherche de Quebec - Sante (FRQS) doctoral training award
June 2, 2022 -
This training award, sponsored by the FRQS, is awarded to outstanding doctoral students acrosss Quebec. Congratulations Audrey!
Claudia Kleinman was awarded the Bernard and Francine Dorval Prize by the Canadian Cancer Society
May 12, 2021. The prize is given annually to an early career investigator whose outstanding contributions to basic biomedical research have the potential to lead, or have already led to improved understanding of cancer treatments and/or cures.
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McGill coverage
Québec Science magazine includes our work in their annual list of top 10 scientific discoveries for 2020
January 7, 2021 -
The magazine Québec Science selected our recent work in Nature Genetics, Stalled developmental programs at the root of pediatric brain tumors, as one of the top 10 scientific discoveries from Quebec in 2020.
Read about the discovery
Read about the nomination
Our paper on the origins of Histone 3.3 G34R/V brain tumors is out
November 30, 2020 -
Our article on the origins of Histone 3.3 G34R/V-mutant brain tumours was just published online in the journal Cell. Here is the coverage by the McGill Newsroom.
Artwork: Selin Jessa